Cycle 3/Week 3 (Meet Week)
Back Squat
8(135) 5(225) 3(315) 1(365)
Bench Press
8(135) 5(185) 3(225) 1(245-275)
Cycle 2/Week 3
Reverse Grip Bench Press
5(135-185-225) 1(245) 5(275)
Upright Row
Weighted Dip
5(0-45-90) 1(135) 5(180)
4 rounds:
8 Skull Crusher (65-85-105-195)
10 EZ Bar Biceps Curl (65)
(alternate rounds with a partner)
3 rounds:
10 EZ Bar Front Raise (65)
10 EZ Bar Front Press (65)
(alternate rounds with a partner)
Nautilus Plate Load Biceps Curl (35)
Nautilus Plate Load Triceps Ext. (50)
(alternate rounds with a partner)